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Writer's picture: M.W. KeyM.W. Key

Updated: Jan 20

I remember years ago sitting in on a Christian pastor doing a lesson over tzitzit (though he called them tassels). He mentioned how the tzitzit were to remind the people to keep the commands of Elohim. Then he went on to say that the Christians had the What Would Jesus Do bracelets, to remind them to act like Jesus. Oy vey! That’s what tzitzit are for, to remind you and everyone who sees them to keep the Torah, which Yeshua kept. I digress, but before departing from this trip down memory lane, can’t help but think of this verse.

But He answering, said to them, “Why do you also transgress the command of Elohim because of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3)

The importance of wearing our tzitzit cannot be understated, they not only serve as a physical reminder to keep the commandments, but likewise serve to signal to others that we are Torah observant. As a consequence, they are also conversation starters, I’ve had many people ask me what they are and why I wear them. It’s a great opportunity to spread some seeds, whether they take root or not is up to the individual. So, where do we find this commandment to wear these tzitzis?

“And יהוה spoke to Mosheh (Moses), saying, speak to the children of Yisra’ĕl (Israel), and you shall say to them to make tzitzit on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue cord in the tzitzit of the corners. And it shall be to you for a tzitzit, and you shall see it, and shall remember all the commands of יהוה and shall do them, and not search after your own heart and your own eyes after which you went whoring, so that you remember, and shall do all My commands, and be set-apart unto your Elohim. I am יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim (Egypt), to be your Elohim. I am יהוה your Elohim.” (Numbers 15:37-41)

Humans have a tendency to follow after their own wants and desires, and we constantly have to stay in the word to remain vigilant from evil spirits. Tzitzit are there to help us and our fellow Hebrews to guard our eyes and thoughts (Notice that the scriptures do not state that only men can wear the tzitzit, that is a tradition of Judaism). We see them and instantly remember that Elohim is watching us, and that His Torah should always be present in our minds. As David wrote.

“Blessed is the man who shall not walk in the counsel of the wrong, and shall not stand in the path of sinners, and shall not sit in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the Torah of יהוה, and he meditates in His Torah day and night.” (Psalms 1:1-2)

Yeshua wore/wears Tzitzit

There are quite a few examples in the Messianic scriptures of Yeshua wearing his tzitzit, and interesting enough they all surround healing. I believe this to be the case because the tzitzit are a reminder to keep the commands and obedience brings blessings.

And you shall serve יהוה your Elohim, and He shall bless your bread and your water. And I shall remove sickness from your midst.” (Exodus 23:25)

Here are the several verses that illustrate Yeshua wearing his tzitzit and people being healed by touching them.

“And יהושע (Yeshua) rose and followed him, His taught ones too. And see, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the tzitzit of His garment. For she said to herself, “If I only touch His garment, I shall be healed.” But יהושע (Yeshua) turned, and when He saw her, He said, “Take courage, daughter, your belief has healed you.” And the woman was healed from that hour.” (Matthew 9: 19-22)
“And having passed over, they came to the land of Gennĕsar. And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding country, and brought to Him all who were sick, and begged Him to let them only touch the tzitzit of His garment. And as many as touched it were completely healed.” (Matthew 14: 34-36)
“And a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who, having spent all her livelihood on physicians, was unable to be healed by any, came from behind and touched the tzitzit of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. And יהושע (Yeshua) said, “Who touched Me?” And when all denied it, Kĕpha (Peter) and those with him said, “Master, the crowd’s throng You and press upon You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’” But יהושע (Yeshua) said, “Somebody did touch Me, for I knew power went out from Me.” And the woman, seeing that she was not hidden, came trembling, and falling down before Him she declared to Him in the presence of all the people why she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. And He said to her, “Take courage, daughter, your belief has healed you. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:43-48)
“And wherever He went, into villages, or cities, or the country, they were laying the sick in the market-places, and begged Him to let them touch if only the tzitzit of His garment. And as many as touched Him were healed.” (Mark 6:56)

As we just read many people are flocking to Yeshua to receive healing, and the one object they wish to touch on him, is his tzitzit. That’s not a coincidence, that’s a message.

I hope this short article has been helpful, enlightening, and thought provoking. May the Ruach Hakodesh guide you into all truth.


Check out some of my books! Available in both print and kindle versions.

Four book covers by M.W. Key. Titles: Pagan Holidays, Testing the 613, Blood and Sand, Unto Death. Themes: mystical, desert, silhouette.

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2 hozzászólás

Melissa Warren
Melissa Warren
2023. jan. 12.

Do you believe that women should wear tzitzit, or only men?

M.W. Key
M.W. Key
2023. márc. 19.
Válasz címzettje:

Hello Melissa,

Yes I do believe it is ok for women to wear tzitzit, in fact my wife and grandmother both wear them. According to Jewish tradition women do not wear tzitzit, but the text state's for the children of Israel to wear them. Not just males.

Thank you for your comment and my Yah bless you in your journey!

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