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Spiritual Transformation: Moses, Pharaoh, and the Journey to Yeshua

Updated: Mar 30

All of us who come to know Yah, His son, and His Torah, undergo a profound awakening. We transition from living in the realm of spiritual slumber, marching to the beat of Satan's drum. Engaging in self-indulgence and adhering to human doctrines as if they were teachings from El Shaddai. Eventually, our tranquility is disrupted, and we awaken from the illusion to perceive the false reality of the world we were brought up in. We willingly exchange our comfortable existence, embraced by the world, to be transformed into the likeness of Yeshua Messiah. This awakening finds a powerful parallel in the life of Moses, a man raised as an Egyptian in Pharaoh's household. Initially surrounded by the luxuries of royalty, he later opened his eyes and inclined his heart to heed the voice of Elohim.     

“And in those days it came to be, when Mosheh (Moses) was grown, that he went out to his brothers and looked at their burdens. And he saw a Mitsrian (Egyptian) striking a Hebrew, one of his brothers.” (Exodus 2:11)

While information about the early life of Moses remains limited, it is presumed that, having been raised in Pharaoh's household, he identified himself as an Egyptian. Growing through childhood and adolescence immersed in Egyptian life, adhering to their customs and practices, a transformative moment occurs for Moses. His perception shifts, and he becomes aware of the true identity of his brethren. For the first time, he acknowledges the hardships his brothers endure.

Similarly, our upbringing can shape our perspectives. Some of us may have been nurtured to reject the Torah and those who follow its ways. This holds true for many emerging from Christianity, including myself, or any other faith that contradicts the Father's word. Elohim stirs something within us, opening our eyes to the lies and deception masked as truth. At this juncture, we face a crucial decision: do we close our eyes, harden our hearts, and delve deeper into the doctrines ingrained during our upbringing? Or, do we take a stand and resist the adversary? 

“So, he turned this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he struck the Mitsrian (Egyptian) and hid him in the sand. (Exodus 2:11-12)

The act of Moses killing the Egyptian and burying him in the sand goes beyond a mere physical deed; it holds profound spiritual significance. It symbolizes Moses slaying his inner Egyptian, shedding the identity of the old self he once was. This moment marks the pinnacle of his choice to turn away from Satan's kingdom and embark on the path of teshuva (repentance).

“Knowing this, that our old man was impaled with Him, so that the body of sin might be rendered powerless, to serve sin no longer.” (Romans 6:6)
“That you put off – with regard to your former behavior – the old man, being corrupted according to the desires of the deceit, and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the renewed man which was created according to Elohim, in righteousness and set-apartness of the truth.” (Ephesians 4:22-24)

Similar to Moses, we must slay our inner self, fashioned in the image of various sins. This act is crucial for liberating ourselves from the shackles of unrighteousness and breaking free from the dominion of the metaphorical Pharaoh. Through this process, we attain the freedom to openly worship El Shaddai with completeness and truth. While surrendering the title of being a son of the earthly Pharaoh in this world, we gain access to a superior kingdom if we endure until the end.

“And Pharaoh heard of this matter, and he sought to kill Mosheh. But Mosheh fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Miḏyan. And he sat down by a well.” (Exodus 2:15)

Pharaoh serves as an analogy for Hasatan, and Egypt symbolizes Hasatan's kingdom. When Hasatan discovers that we have liberated ourselves from his dominion, having overcome our former selves, he then seeks to destroy us. It's important to grasp that Hasatan is unconcerned about those already under his influence; they are already captive to his power and illusions. His true apprehension lies with those who resist his rule and pursue Yeshua in loving obedience to the Father.

“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of Elohim and possessing the witness of יהושע (Yeshua) Messiah.” (Revelations 12:17)

Take note of the conclusion of Exodus 2:15, where, following his escape from Pharaoh, Moses discovers solace at a well. This holds profound spiritual significance, as the well serves as a representation of the Messiah, symbolizing how we find peace and restoration from the well of Yeshua Messiah.

“And Ya‛aqoḇ’s (Jacob’s) fountain was there. So יהושע (Yeshua), being wearied from the journey, was sitting thus at the fountain. It was about the sixth hour.” (John 4:6)
“Yeshua answered and said to her, “Everyone drinking of this water shall thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water I give him shall certainly never thirst. And the water that I give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:13-14)

All of us who have undergone a crossing-over experience (Hebrew) share a profound awakening, reminiscent of Moses thousands of years ago beneath the Egyptian sun. In a land much like our own, wholly devoted to false gods and the empty philosophies of men, where the truth was suppressed, and those of Elohim were ensnared in a system governed by fallen angels and demons. Reflecting on Moses's physical departure from Egypt reveals the spiritual battle that unfolded. This struggle against sin, this journey out of Egypt, is one in which we all partake. Let us remain diligent in testing all things.


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That lesson hit home , Great teaching

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